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The Society of Luther Christman Fellows honors the name of the late Luther Christman and his contributions to the nursing profession and for his role in co-founding AAMN. 

As the founder and dean of the Rush University College of Nursing; Dr. Christman offered a unified approach to research, education, and practice to ensure that research based practices translated into clinical decision-making.  

He was also a cofounder of the National Male Nurse Association in 1974, which became the American Assembly for Men in Nursing, which is known today as the American Association for Men in Nursing. 

The Society of Luther Christman Fellows celebrates the achievements of Christman, recognizes the contributions to nursing made by men, funds scholarships for men in nursing, and research for men’s health and issues specific to men in nursing. 

Christman believed that the recruitment of male nurses and diversifying the profession in general would make the nursing profession stronger. 

If you feel that same level of commitment, we welcome you to join the ranks of the Society of Luther Christman Fellows.

The application is open to anyone, requires a contribution of $1,000, and is tax deductible. Induction of new Fellows take place at AAMN's annual conference, where each is awarded a Luther Christman medallion. 


If you are interested in becoming a Fellow in the Society of Luther Christman and induction at the annual AAMN conference, please click here to download an application.


You may also contact Scott Kelnhofer, AAMN's Executive Director, at or (929) 515-4945 for additional information. 

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