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Purpose: To recognize nursing workplaces that have made significant efforts to recruit and retain men in nursing.


Procedure: Employers of nurses who believe they offer a superior workplace for men in nursing are encouraged to apply. All applications for the award are due by 11:59 pm Eastern on Friday, June 13.


Applications need to address the criteria below and be submitted to Scott Kelnhofer, AAMN executive director, at


A $500 application fee is required and payable (via check or credit card) to:


The American Association for Men in Nursing

PO Box 969

Plover, WI 54467


Invoices can be created upon request. 


Best Workplace Criteria

  • The organization will submit, via AAMN’s electronic application form, evidence documenting its efforts to meet the needs of men in nursing. Examples of efforts should include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Recruitment materials and website images depicting men in nursing.

    • Career fairs/ public relations events targeting men in nursing.

    • Strategic plans with aim to increase gender diversity in the nursing staff.

    • Historical evidence demonstrating an increase in the number of men in nursing recruited and retained by the organization.

    • News releases, newsletter articles/ e-journal articles recognizing the contribution of men in nursing.

    • Orientation and continuing education materials which are gender neutral as related to nursing professionals.

    • Evidence of involvement of men in nursing in organizational committees affecting nursing practice.

    • Evidence of employee health / wellness programs or activities designed to address issues of men’s health.

    • Policies which encourage men in nursing to access organizational benefits which encourage their full participation in family life, such as paternity leave, involvement in children’s education. etc.


The items listed above are the criteria for recognition and are included in the electronic application. All requested criteria on the application must be addressed, but if evidence cannot be provided in a few areas, it does not necessarily eliminate a workplace from recognition as long as an action plan for improvement is submitted.


The application will be judged based on a scoring rubric, which can be found here.


​The organization should provide the following data for the current year and, if possible, for previous years:


    • Percent of nursing staff who are male.

    • Percent of management / administrative positions held by nurses who are male.

    • Number of clinical leadership positions (clinical nurses specialists, educators, advance practice nurses, etc.) employed by the organization.

    • Percent of clinical leadership positions held by nurses who are male.

    • Percent of advanced practice nurses who are male.

    • Turnover rate for all nurses.

    • Turnover rate for nurses who are male.

    • Percent of nurses accessing tuition reimbursement or other advanced education support offered by the organization who are male.

  • The organization must be accredited by the JCAHO or other body appropriate to its business line. Organizations in business lines where accreditation or certification may not be appropriate should submit documentation of quality assurance activities as they relate to their employment of nurses.

  • The recognition may be given to the same organization more than once.

  • Organizations receiving this recognition will display the AAMN logo on their website with the citation “AAMN Best Workplace for Men in Nursing” and provide a link to the AAMN website to be displayed along with AAMN logo. This display shall continue for a period of one year following receipt of the award. The Recognition Review Committee Chairperson shall coordinate the necessary tools and communications to enable the usage of the AAMN logo.

  • The Recognition Review Committee will review all applications submitted prior to the posted deadline. The committee will recommend applications to the board for approval as an “AAMN Best Workplace for Men in Nursing.” The recognition is not limited to one workplace per year. The committee will determine the number of workplaces recommended for approval based on its evaluation of applications submitted

  • At least one representative from each recognized organization is strongly encouraged to attend the 50th annual AAMN Conference in Orlando to accept their award on Oct. 16.

  • Consideration will be given to the overall presentation of the materials submitted on the application. The organization shall use its own discretion in overall presentation of materials.

  • Scoring will be conducted based on the criteria and information above. All questions concerning the scoring guideline shall be directed to the AAMN headquarters.

​Frequently Asked Questions:


How much time will it take to apply?


The time spent will vary depending on what the organization already has in place (e.g. gender specific nurse data, climate surveys with gender specific data) and what needs to be implemented.


What do I need to do in order to be considered for this recognition?


In order for your application to be considered, you will need:

  • Evidence of accreditation by the JCAHO or other body appropriate to their business line. Organizations in business lines where accreditation or certification may not be appropriate should submit documentation of quality improvement activities as they relate to their employment of nurses.

  • Documentation related to recognition criteria as requested in the electronic application form.


Does one person need to prepare the application or can it be a task force?


More than one person or a group can prepare the application. Groups of nurses have helped prepare an organization’s application and these things ease the burden on any one person. However, it is required that you designate one individual as the contact person or leader for the application process.


Is there a preferred format for the application?


Applications can only be submitted using the electronic application form. Relevant information must be provided for each question on the form via text responses and/or attachment of an electronic file or files. Multiple formats of files (e.g., jpg, pdf, ppt, xls, Word, and many others) can be utilized for each response. NOTE:  Gather all of your relevant information before you begin completing the application. There is no way to save the form and reopen it for completion at a later time. If necessary, you may submit one partially completed application and open another application at a later date to finish completing the submission.


How can I get help with the application process if I need it?


Questions regarding the application process, specific criteria, or acceptable evidence can be sent via email to



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