AAMN's 2024 Best Schools for Men in Nursing Award Application Process
NOTE: Gather all of your relevant information before you begin filling out the application. There is no way to save the form and reopen it for completion at a later time. ​A second application may be created to complete your submission.
To recognize a nursing school or college that has provided significant efforts in recruiting and retaining men in nursing, in providing men a supportive educational environment, and in educating faculty, students and the community about the contributions men have and do make to the nursing profession.
Representatives from nursing programs that have made significant efforts to recruit and retain male nursing students are encouraged to apply. All applications for this year's award are due by close of business on Friday, June 14. The deadline is final. No extensions are allowed.
Applications need to address the criteria found on the application and be submitted to Scott Kelnhofer, AAMN executive director, at admin@aamn.org.
A $500 application fee is required and payable (via check or credit card) to:
The American Association for Men in Nursing
PO Box 969
Plover, WI 54467
Invoices can be created upon request.
1. The nursing school or college will submit, via AAMN's electronic application form, evidence documenting its efforts to meet the needs of men in nursing.
Examples of efforts should include, but are not limited to, the following:
Marketing materials and website images depicting men.
Career fairs/ public relations events targeting men.
Strategic plans with aims to increase gender diversity in the student and/or faculty bodies.
Course syllabi or other course content (e.g. PowerPoints, lecture notes, assigned readings, handouts or discussion questions) that include content on men’s health.
Newsletter articles/ e-journal articles addressing the contribution of men in nursing.
Faculty/ student in-services or programs that highlight men in nursing.
Efforts made to link male students with role models, such as male faculty and/or male nurses in the clinical setting.
Activities of the local chapter of the Student Nurses Association highlighting men in nursing.
Activities of a local AAMN chapter.
The items listed above are the criteria for recognition and are included in the electronic application. All requested criteria on the application must be addressed, but if evidence cannot be provided in a few areas, it does not necessarily eliminate a school from recognition as long as an action plan for improvement is submitted.
The application will be judged based on a scoring rubric, which can be found here.
The organization should provide the following data:
Number of male students who graduated in past three years that are program specific (i.e., undergraduate, graduate).
Percent of male students admitted over the past three years.
Gender-specific graduation rates.
Percent of male faculty/staff employed.
2. The nursing school or college should provide evidence that its efforts have resulted in an increase in the number of men applying to the program, admitted to the program, retained in the program, or in improved program evaluations from male graduates.
3. In order to be considered for this recognition, the nursing school or college must be accredited by either the National League of Nursing or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
4. In order to be considered for this recognition, the nursing school or college must have had an NCLEX pass rate of 80% or higher for the past three years.
5. The recognition may be given to the same nursing school or college more than once.
6. Organizations receiving this recognition may display the AAMN logo on their website with the citation “AAMN Best Nursing School/College for Men in Nursing” and be provided a link to the AAMN website to be displayed along with AAMN logo. This display shall continue for a period of one year following receipt of this recognition. The Recognition Task Force Chairperson shall coordinate the necessary tools and communications to enable the usage of the AAMN logo.
7. The Recognition Review Committee will review all applications submitted prior to the posted deadline. The committee will recommend applications to the board for consideration as the “AAMN Best Nursing School/College for Men in Nursing.” The “Best School” recognition is not limited to one per year. The committee will determine the number of organizations recommended for approval based on their evaluation of applications submitted.
8. At least one representative from each recognized organization shall be required to attend AAMN's 49th annual conference in St. Louis to accept their award on Thursday, Oct. 17.
9. Consideration will be given to the overall presentation of the materials submitted on the application. The organization shall use its own discretion in overall presentation of materials.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time will it take to apply?
The time spent will vary depending on what the school already has in place (e.g. gender specific faculty and student data, climate surveys at university level with gender specific data) and what needs to be implemented.
What do I need to do in order to be considered for this award?
In order for your application to be considered, you will need:
Current NLN or AACN accreditation.
Completed climate survey.
NCLEX first-time pass rates of 80% or higher for the past three years.
Documentation related to recognition criteria as requested in the electronic application form.
Does one person need to prepare the application or can it be a task force?
More than one person or a group can prepare the application. Students have helped prepare a school’s application and these things ease the burden on any one person. However, it is required that you designate one individual as the contact person or leader for the application process.
Is there a preferred format for the application?
Applications can only be submitted using the electronic application form. Relevant information must be provided for each question on the form via written responses and or attachment of an electronic file or files. Multiple formats of files (e.g., jpg, pdf, ppt, xls, Word, and many others) can be utilized for each response. NOTE: Gather all of your relevant information before you begin completing the application. There is no way to save the form and reopen it for completion at a later time.
How can I get help with the application process if I need it?
Questions regarding the application process, specific criteria, or acceptable evidence can be sent via email to admin@aamn.org.